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April 30, 2023 3 min read

If you're looking to update the look of your bedroom without breaking the bank, refinishing your old furniture is a great option. 

Refinishing allows you to give new life to old furniture, and it's a satisfying DIY project that can be completed in a weekend. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to refinish bedroom furniture, including how to prepare, strip the old finish, stain and finish the furniture, and add final touches.

Preparing for Refinishing

Before you begin refinishing your furniture, it's important to prepare properly. Choose a well-ventilated area to work in, such as a garage or covered outdoor space. You'll need to gather materials and tools, including a stripping product, scraper, steel wool, sandpaper, stain, clear protective finish, and paintbrushes or cloths.

Inspect your furniture for any damage and make any necessary repairs before beginning the refinishing process. Remove any hardware, such as drawer pulls or handles, and cover any areas that you don't want to refinish, such as decorative accents or glass.

Stripping Old Finish

The first step in refinishing your bedroom furniture is to strip the old finish. You'll need to select a stripping product that is appropriate for the type of finish you're removing. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully and apply the stripping product to the furniture. Allow it to sit for the recommended amount of time before using a scraper and steel wool to remove the old finish.

Once you've removed the old finish, it's time to sand the furniture. Use sandpaper to remove any remaining finish or imperfections. Sand in the direction of the wood grain, and be sure to use a fine grit sandpaper to avoid scratching the wood.

Staining and Finishing

After you've stripped and sanded the furniture, it's time to stain and finish it. Choose a stain that complements the wood and the desired look you're going for. Apply the stain in a thin, even layer using a brush or cloth. Let the stain sit for the recommended amount of time and wipe off any excess with a clean cloth.

Next, apply a clear protective finish, such as polyurethane, to seal the wood and provide durability. Apply the finish in thin coats, sanding between coats for a smooth finish. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully, as some finishes require more coats than others.

Reassembling and Final Touches

After the stain and finish have dried, it's time to reassemble the furniture and add final touches. Replace any hardware or add new hardware for a fresh look. Buff the furniture with a clean cloth to remove any dust or debris, and place it in its desired location.

Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks to help you achieve the best results when refinishing your bedroom furniture:

  • Use caution when handling chemicals and follow instructions carefully.
  • Wear protective gear, such as gloves and a mask, when refinishing.
  • Test stain and finish on a small, inconspicuous area before applying to the entire piece of furniture.
  • Take your time and don't rush the process to achieve the best results.

Final Thoughts

Refinishing your bedroom furniture is a cost-effective and rewarding DIY project that can breathe new life into old furniture. 

By following these steps and tips, you can achieve a professional-looking finish that will last for years to come. So, grab your tools and get ready to transform your bedroom furniture into something beautiful and new.

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